German Egg Pancakes with Lemon ( German Recipes ) |
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![]() ![]() Prep Time: 30 minutes or less | Cook Time: 30 minutes or less | Serves: 6 Breakfast » Pancakes » German
Step 1: ![]() Get yourself a big bowl, and combine the water, heavy cream, and powdered milk. Beat this mixture until its smooth, then add the eggs (I'd recommend cracking them all into another container first, as picking the shells out of the white mixture you now have isn't very easy), the powdered sugar, flour (recipe says sifted for accuracy of measurement...I read somewhere that whisking the flour will have the same effect, and that's what I did), salt, baking powder, and nutmeg. Beat all of this until it is smooth. I'd recommend a mixer for best results, but I got by all right with a whisk. It should look something like this: |
Step 2: ![]() Now take your med-large pan. My pans are teflon-coated, with handles that are ok in the oven up to 375 degrees. This isn't quite what the recipe would like you to have, but I made it work. Just, please, don't melt your cookware in the oven, make sure if you use your pans that the handles can handle the heat you're using. If in doubt, a baking pan will do the trick. Put 2 tbsp. of ****er in the pan (you can pre-melt the whole batch of ****er if you want, or melt it 2 tbsp. at a time in the pans. I pre-melted it in the microwave) and, once melted, swirl it around the pan to coat it. Add approximately 1/2 a cup of the batter to the pan, and swirl that around as well. This should leave you with a relatively thin layer (1/4" or so) of batter in the bottom of the pan. |
Step 3: ![]() If your oven is ready to go, pop it in there. I had two different sized pans to use (8" and 10" I think) so I used them both. I just staggered their location in the oven so that one wasn't blocking the heat to the other from below. As my pans can only take 375 degrees in the oven, it took them a little longer than the 12 minutes expected at 400 degrees. Also, the larger pan obviously took a littles longer to cook the larger pancake than the little guy. Just keep checking on them. This is the bad part though. You've probably already thought of it, but if you haven't, here it is: even if you have more pans than this, your oven probably can't accomodate them. So you can only cook 2 of these pancakes at a time. This makes [COLOR=#2B65B0 ! important] I opted to go with the first option, watching my roommates enjoy the fruits of my labors while I slaved away. |
Step 4: ![]() Anyway, while this is going you should prepare your topping. I prefer lemon and powdered sugar, though I have noticed there are recipes for all sorts of fruity syrups and toppings floating around the Internet. If you like lemon at all though, I suggest trying this topping, it's really easy too. Just halve all of your lemons, and juice them. If you don't have a juicer, squeeze them yourself. Alternatively, you could buy the juice. But I like it better freshly squeezed. |
Step 5: ![]() Once your pancakes start to brown around the edges, and curl away from the sides of the pan, they're probably ready to come out (the small pan in the picture from the oven is pretty close to done). Make sure the middle isn't still soggy though, that sucks. GRAB A HOT MITT and pull these guys out. Make sure you remember to keep that hot mitt handy, because seeing a pan on the stovetop, you don't always think to have a hot mitt on. I grabbed the 375 degree handles on my pans with no hot mitt at least 4 times making these things. If you have something standing by to keep them warm, shove them in there (a toaster oven may do the trick) or if you're serving them up immediately, slap them on a plate. Add some lemon juice, I like a lot. |
Step 6: ![]() Then sprinkle some powdered sugar on it to counter-act the sour lemon juice, and you have a gorgeous pancake: Just be careful not to add too much lemon if you don't like sour stuff. |