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E-Recruiting Assigning Internal Candidate Reference User

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Old 11-14-2009, 09:30 AM
seema seema is offline
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Default E-Recruiting Assigning Internal Candidate Reference User

I am on EHP4 SP03 for e-Recuiting and having some problems automatically assigning the internal candidate reference user to employees in the HR system.

From this what I understand is that when I run HRALXSYNC that it should assign the internal candidate role to the employee (I have ensured that they have a SAP user and email address in their IT105 record)

Is this wrong, if so can someone please explain how the employees get the internal candidate reference role assigned?

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Old 11-14-2009, 09:30 AM
seema seema is offline
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when running HRALXSYNC the system is assigning the reference user to the user of the internal candidate not the role itself.

Technical reason here is as far as i know that the external candidate needs the authorization imediately when registering and cannot wait till the authorization role caches etc. are synced.

You should check if the reference users were created in the system and are assigned to the e-recruiting roles (table T77rcf_role). If this is done HRALXSYNC should assign the reference user if it is an currently active employee (check SU01 the ref.

user field above the roles list). If you run HRALXSYNC for an employee entering the company in future there are some special handlings that is why you have to plan the report as periodical job.

If it is still not working check tcode SLG1 for errors. In addition you might want to check sap note 997181, wich has pdf documents for the integration settings attached. They are very helpful.
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:30 AM
seema seema is offline
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The note you suggested is the same as the sap help that I had found.

You have suggested checking table T77rcf_role, but this table just holds a list of the roles availble in e-recruitment (with internal candidate being first).

Once I have run the HRALXSYNC report there is no change to the users or authorisations, i.e. no reference role assigned.

In the implementations that you have worked on, does the reference user always get added when running the HRALXSYNC report? I'm just wondering if I am missing a step somewhere.

Also I should add I'm running it all on one instance and we are using CUA.
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:31 AM
seema seema is offline
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table T77RCF_ROLE should have the following structure and content:
200 0001 RCF_CAND_INT
200 0002 RCF_MANAGER
200 0003 RCF_TC
200 0004 RCF_MGRASS
200 0005 RCF_CAND_EXT
200 0006 RCF_ADMIN
200 0007 RCF_RECRUIT
200 0009 RCF_DATA_TYP
200 0010 RCF_REQUEST
200 0012 RCF_SUCC_PL
200 0013 RCF_RES_REC
200 0014 RCF_RES_SUCC

There could some additional customer specific roles or some might miss depending on you release. But as you see there is the client, the role and a reference user. While most of these users are optional the ones for roles 0001 and 0005 have to be maintained.

These two reference users have to be created in SU01 when rolling out e-recruiting as user type reference and get the authorization roles for internal or external candidate.

(of course you can change the name if you have naming conventions for reference users but ten you have to change the table in the IMG role maintenance for e-recruiting).

When creating an external candidate the systen automatically assigns the reference user to the user (seen in SU01 -> tab "Roles" -> field "Refeence user for additional rights"). Same for internal candidate creation via ALE for standalone installation and HRALXSYNC for integrate installation.

The integrated servers for e-recruitng or which used e-recruiting for some customer own TM implementation this mechanism in HRALXSYNC usually worked as soon as we got the report itself running (needed sometimes >20 notes to get this done).

Only exception was in the ramp up for 600 when the integration overall was away from stable and we were in a system where the sap system user subtype for IT0105 was changed from 0001 to something else.

If you maintained the ref user and still have problems in the ref user assignment check tcode slg1 and the object relatuions between NA, CP, and BP in HRP1001 to ensure HRALXSYNC runs properly.
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:31 AM
seema seema is offline
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Did you resolve this issue in your system? I am currently working on an EhP4 SP3 system as well and have the exact same issue. I've double-checked that my BAdI's are active, I've stored a 105 subtype 0001/0010, T77S0 settings are made for HRRFC/OBPON/HRAC, reference users are created, etc, but when I run the HRALXSYNC report for even one employee, I get a blank results screen with no data.
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:32 AM
seema seema is offline
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I am able to return data for O objects only, but all are red lights "Without Partner". If I run for all employees in a branch, return results screen is blank, without data.
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:33 AM
seema seema is offline
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unfortunately HRALXSYNC is really a piece of c*** which is permanently bugged as the whole HR integration is used by half a dozen different modules where every change for one component brings errors for the others.

I had to debug for several projects E-Rec, Succession Mgm. and TMC. The coding seems to have more note corrections than initial coding. It just can be that CRM decides to do sth. resulting that running TMC is no longer working as no BP is created anymore.

The documentation is not only out of date it is fully misleading. There are switches you shall set in SPRO while the coding has just commented reading the switch and is now SWITCH = 'X'. I am really upset that even the standalone installations use this report with EhP4.

First hint for HRALXSYNC is patching, patching, patching. As you need the SP4 for e-recruiting EhP4 anyways you should patch the full stack. In addition patch every note of higher support packages anyhow sounding as it could be related to HRALXSYNC.

Then try again. If you have still errors open an OSS message to show that another customer has problems with it but do not expect any solution. Last time I had trouble at a customer all he got was the collection note to adapt in the system.

This note includes 140! notes to be checked an applied. To get things sorted out get the best hr dev crack you have and tell him to get it debugged and fixed. Then do not bother him the next 1 to 4 days.
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:39 AM
seema seema is offline
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If someone from SAP does not like my opinion of HRALXSYNC, e-rec solution management knows where to find me. I'd really like to discuss this part of delivery with someone actually be able to change it!
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:42 AM
seema seema is offline
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I've activated the BAdi's and am running HRALXSYNC and it's not thrilling me. The old version of the program used to assign the INT_CAND reference user to the employees SU01 user, but this one doesn't seem to do that.
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