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Salary Components (Wage types)

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Old 03-03-2009, 03:14 AM
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Default Salary Components (Wage types)


Here the Salary Components - Wage types.

IT0008 - Basic Pay

1001 Hourly Rate
1002 Salary Non-Exempt
1003 Salary Exempt
1004 Retiree Pay
1005 Lead Premium
1006 Shift Premium
1007 Hourly rate-direct entry
1400 Hourly rate - tips
1401 Hourly rate - tips

IT0014 & IT0015

3000 Tip icome
3001 Uniform allowance
3002 Equipment allowance
3003 Car allowance
3004 Tuition reimb-taxable
3005 Tuition reimb-non-tax
3006 Relocation expenses
3600 Gross up regular method
3601 Gross up result-reg meth
3602 Gross up suppl method
3603 Gross up result-supp meth
3604 Non-tax income
3605 Merit bonus - regular
3606 Merit bonus - special run
3607 Commission
3609 Hiring Bonus
3610 Stock
3611 Premium pay (% of gross)
5000 Severance pay

IT2010 & IT2001

2000 Regular working time
2001 Lump sum period hours
2003 Training - internal
2004 Training - external
2100 On Call/Standby
2101 Call In pay
2102 Overtime paid 1.0
2103 Overtime paid 1.5
2104 Overtime paid 2.0
2200 Sunday premium
2201 Holiday premium
2202 Evening Shift premium
2203 Night Shift premium
2204 Weekend Shift premium
2500 Holiday Pay
2501 Vacation Pay
2502 Sick pay
2503 Comp time taken
2504 Jury duty
2505 Vacation Balance
2506 Sick Balance
2510 Personal/Floating Hol Bal
2511 Banked Vacation Balance
2600 Bereavement leave
2601 Military leave
2602 Unpaid leave
2603 Family Medical Leave
2604 Maternity leave
2605 Short term disability
2606 Long term disability
2607 Workers comp injury
2608 Strike/Lockout
2700 Comp time bal 1.5 (comp)
2701 Comp time bal 0.5 (pd+cm)


Standard Deductions
7700 Union dues - amount
7701 Union dues - percent
7702 Union dues - default
7703 Union dues - amt w/arrs
7704 Union dues - arrs $ purge
7705 Union dues - w/advance
7706 Union dues - advanced
7707 Union dues - prev per adv
7708 Union dues -adv paid back

8400 United Way donation amt
8401 United Way donation pct
8402 United Way balance
8403 United Way total taken
8404 United Way arrears ded
8405 United Way arrears bal
8406 United Way arrears total
8407 United Way arrears recov
8408 United Way arrs $ purge
8409 United Way arrs% purge
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:14 AM
welcomewiki welcomewiki is offline
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7800 Garnish: Creditor
7801 Garnish: Alimony/Support
7802 Garnish: Levy
7803 Garnish: Service charge
7804 Garnish: Voluntary
7805 Bankruptcy
7806 Child Support
7850 Refund/Stop Paym. Exempt
7851 Refund/Stop Pay. Non-expt

Benefits Wage Types
Employee Deductions - After Tax
7150 Std Medical EE after-tax
7151 Group Ins EE after-tax
7152 Medical HMO EE after-tax
7153 Indemn 90/10 EE after-tax
7154 Indemn 80/20 EE after-tax
7155 Medical PPO EE after-tax
7156 Retiree Med EE after-tax
7157 Medical 2 EE After-tax
7158 Vision EE after-tax

7350 Basic Life EE after-tax
7351 LTD EE after-tax
7352 Dep Life EE after-tax
7353 Opt Life EE after-tax
7354 AD&D EE after-tax
7355 Life 5 EE after-tax
7356 STD EE after-tax
7357 Travel EE after-tax

7610 401k EE after-tax
7611 Cash Bal EE after-tax
7612 Thrift EE after-tax
7613 Savings 4 EE after-tax

7644 Stock Purch EE After-Tax
7645 Alt Stock EE After-tax

7670 EAP EE after-tax
7671 Health Club EE after-tax
7672 Vac Buy EE after-tax
7673 Pension EE after-tax
7674 Defer Comp-S EE after-tax
7675 Defer Comp-B EE after-tax

Employee Deductions - Pre Tax

7100 Std Medical EE pre-tax
7101 Group Ins EE pre-tax
7102 Medical HMO EE pre-tax
7103 Indemnity90/10 EE pre-tax
7104 Indemnity80/20 EE pre-tax
7105 Medical PPO EE pre-tax
7106 Retiree Med EE pre-tax
7107 Dental EE pre-tax
7108 Vision EE pre-tax

7300 Basic Life EE pre-tax
7301 LTD EE pre-tax
7302 Dep Life EE pre-tax
7303 Opt Life EE pre-tax
7304 AD&D EE pre-tax
7305 Life 5 EE pre-tax
7306 STD EE pre-tax
7307 Travel EE pre-tax

7600 401k EE pre-tax
7601 Cash Bal EE pre-tax
7602 Thrift EE pre-tax
7603 403b EE pre-tax
7604 Savings 4 EE pre-tax

7630 Health Care EE pre-tax
7631 Dep Care EE pre-tax
7632 Dep Care maximum
7633 Health Care maximum
7640 Stock Purch EE Pre-tax

7660 EAP EE pre-tax
7661 Health Club EE pre-tax
7662 Vac Buy EE pre-tax
7663 Pension EE pre-tax
7664 Defer Comp-S EE pre-tax
7665 Defer Comp-B EE pre-tax

Employer Costs

7200 Std Medical Employer
7201 Group Ins Employer
7202 Medical HMO Employer
7203 Indemnity 90/10 Employer
7204 Indemnity 80/20 Employer
7205 Medical PPO Employer
7206 Retiree Med Employer
7207 Dental Employer
7208 Vision Employer

7400 Basic Life Employer
7401 LTD Employer
7402 Dep Life Employer
7403 Opt Life Employer
7404 AD&D Employer
7405 Life 5 Employer
7406 STD Employer
7407 Travel Employer

7620 401k Employer
7621 Cash Bal Employer
7622 Thrift Employer
7623 403b Employer
7624 Savings 4 Employer

7647 Stock Purch Employer
7648 Alt Stock Employer
7654 Flex Credit 1 Employer
7655 Flex Credit 2 Employer

7680 EAP Employer
7681 Health Club Employer
7682 Vac Buy Employer
7683 Pension Employer
7684 Defer Comp-S Employer
7685 Defer Comp-B Employer

Imputed Income/Reimbursements

7690 Health Care FSA Claim
7691 Dependent Care FSA Claim
7692 Dep. Care Reimbursement
7693 Health Care Reimbursement

Compensation Wage Types

1050 Salary increase
1051 Adjustment
1052 Promotion
1053 Hiring Bonus
1054 Stock

Tips Processing

1410 Regular hours - tips
1411 Regular hours - tips
1415 Overtime hours - tips
1416 Overtime hours - tips
1420 Direct tip
1425 Indirect tip
1430 Gross sales
1450 Tip allocation
1460 Sub-minimum payment

Travel Expense

Other Wage Types
3007 1099R Non-Taxable Wages
3008 1099R Taxable Wages
3009 1099R Total Distribution

7000 Payment/Earnings
7007 Claim of right
7008 Repayment
7009 Cash Non-Taxable
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