12-17-2008, 12:32 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 292
What Indians searched for in 2008
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Google announced its India Zeitgeist, a look at 2008 through the collective eyes of the Indian users on the Web. Google Zeitgeist reveals the top search trends through an exploration of the billions of search queries the company receives every year.
The 2008 year-end India Zeitgeist offers a unique perspective on the year's major events and hottest trends based on searches conducted by users in the country. So, here's looking into what India searched for in 2008, the celebrities, the sportsperson, the politicians, the days, the websites, the movies and more. |
Most popular searches in 2008 |  |
| 1. Orkut
2. Gmail
3. Yahoo
4. Google
5. YouTube
6. YahooMail
7. Indian railways
8. Rediff
9. Cricket
10. Katrina Kaif
Seems social networking is the most popular way of connecting with people, even more than email. As for ecommerce growth, Indian railways are point in case. The website sees huge traffic showing Indian users would rather go online than stand in long queues at railway stations. | |