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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. anuroy
    01-20-2010 11:44 AM
    i am unable to see the previous topics.how can i access them as i always encounter a message the password is wrong
  2. mritiunjaykumar
    06-02-2009 03:47 AM
    Due to fiver i have not done some topic 31 to 35 could you please tell me how can i got that topic.
    Please reply me as soon as possible.
    Mritiunjay Kumar singh
    Email ID : mritiunjaykumar@gmail.com
  3. egochigo
    05-09-2009 03:32 AM
    I could not create Number Range. I using Ecc6 for my practice
  4. egochigo
    05-07-2009 01:11 PM
    Hi Trainer
    I can not find Topic 12 on my list. Can you please post this back on the web


  5. prajwal.boddu
    03-23-2009 03:39 PM
    Dear Trainer

    Thank you for the kind of training that you are providing.

    Due to ill health i have missed on Topic 39 and Topic 40.

    Request you to kindly post those topics or give an option in this regard.

    My Email ID: prajwal.boddu@tajhotels.com, prajwal.boddu@gmail.com
    Warm Regards
    Prajwal Boddu
  6. hasan869
    02-19-2009 08:50 AM
    Hi Trainer,

    How are you, I am having problem in gathering all the information about SAPHR especially after topic # 8 to till now. I told you once as my company made me involved in another vigorous training of SQL databse HR system, and now I have been involved in running the live system. so looking at that training is making to overlook this one sometimes. Other problem is that all your post is not visible on my system due to some internet problem here. thats whty I missed so many pearls what you have showered during this training. I really need those pearls.

    I must do acknowledge the generosity of you good people.

    With Regards
  7. mercurymate
    02-13-2009 07:19 AM
    Hi I am an Sap Trainee. wanna join this free HR Training. Can anybody provide me more details? Is Akhilesh the moderator of this group and gonna train in Sap HR? Please lemme know. I am interested.
  8. akhilesh dubey
    02-05-2009 06:04 AM
    akhilesh dubey

    Hope We will have a good long term relation.

    Thanks for your response. May I know your name.
  9. akhilesh dubey
    02-04-2009 04:49 AM
    akhilesh dubey

    I am a HR Consultant.

    and What about you??
  10. akhilesh dubey
    02-03-2009 05:16 AM
    akhilesh dubey

    Thanks for a good contribution to All SAP lovers.


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  • Last Activity: 04-10-2011 08:49 AM
  • Join Date: 01-25-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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